A few stacks of stuffed binders

Best practices from
across higher education

Faculty Affairs Strategy Whitepaper

This is Scholarly’s inaugural white paper on faculty affairs strategy and best practices. Scholarly is a higher education startup focused on building an innovative faculty lifecycle data platform. As part of that mission, Scholarly has built an expert advisory council with faculty affairs leaders from over 50 institutions across the country. These best practices are informed by that advisory council, along with hundreds of conversations and interviews with faculty affairs stakeholders.


The higher ed landscape has gotten increasingly competitive in recent years due to a range of macro challenges. Now more than ever, it is critical that higher ed institutions ‘do more with less’ to stay competitive and to achieve their strategic goals. Faculty are the foundation of higher ed institutions and occupy critical leadership roles across teaching, research, service, and administration.

Despite how critical faculty are in higher education, faculty affairs processes are often time consuming and manual with limited software support. Scholarly has had the opportunity to survey faculty affairs processes across a wide range of institutions, from large public R1 universities to small private liberal arts colleges. Download the white paper to learn more about these best practices.